Pest Control Info
Slinger, WI
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Mosquito Season:
May To Sept
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Slinger, WI Pest Statistics
Around 29 pest control companies service Slinger residents with an average customer service rating of 3.9 out of 5.
Anopheles mosquitoes are common in the Slinger area with mosquito season lasting from May to September.
Roach density in Slinger is moderate with Pennsylvania wood cockroaches being present.
Deer mice, White-footed mice, and Norway rats can be found in Slinger.
The Brown dog tick, American dog tick, Deer tick, and common flea are active from April to November.
Slinger is home to many stinging insects including Forest yellowjackets, Blackjackets, European hornets, Bald-faced hornets, Aerial yellowjackets, European paper wasps, Eastern yellowjackets, and Transition yellowjackets.
Roughly 87 ant species have been found in Wisconsin with the Camponotus pennsylvanicus specie being the most popular.
Bed bug density is moderate in Slinger, Wisconsin.
Frequently Asked Questions for Slinger
Based on market research, basic monthly pest control services in Slinger can range from $35 to $50 a month. Three month billing cycles are common and could result in a discount over monthly billing cycles. Plans may require an additional startup fee and contract. Usually basic pest control plans will protect from most common household pests but will not cover the more difficult pests, such as termites. Termite protection can typically be added on to a basic plan for an additional fee, but could be included in the higher tier plans.
Monthly pest control is a great option for continuing to prevent pests from invading your Slinger, WI home, but some residents prefer to call when a pest has been spotted for a one time extermination. One time pest control visits usually range from $200 to $500 depending on the current pest, and situation. In general, one time visits are more expensive but can sometimes be necessary.
With termites light in the Washington County, Bed bug infestation extermination in Slinger, WI is usually the most common and costly service, averaging $1 per square foot.
Common Pests In Slinger, Wisconsin

Anopheles Mosquitoes
Anopheles mosquitoes are brownish-yellow in color with a body length of up to 5 millimeters. They are predominantly active at night in Slinger, WI and have no preference as to where on the body they will latch onto their host to feed. These mosquitoes require water to complete their lifecycle and specifically for laying eggs. They are known for transmitting malaria. Keep them at bay with citronella candles and mosquito zappers.

Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches
The Parcoblatta pennsylvanica, commonly known as the Pennsylvania wood cockroach or woods cockroach, is a small winged insect native to the eastern region of the United States. This dark brown or black-colored insect can grow up to 0.5 inches in length and typically prefers damp and dark locations during daylight hours. Its primary source of food is organic matter, and it is active at night. Although the Pennsylvania wood cockroach is not a frequent household pest, it can gain entry into homes through open doors or windows, particularly in warmer months.

Camponotus pennsylvanicus
Camponotus pennsylvanicus, or carpenter ant, are black in color with butter yellow colored hair on their abdomen. They range in size from 6 to 14 millimeters. This carpenter ant is extremely destructive and will nest and burrow in wooden structures such as fence posts or buildings. While they do eat fruit and nectar, they are also fierce predators who will eat many other pests. When the opportunity presents itself, they will also scavenge for human food and trash.

Deer Mice
Deer mice, commonly recognized by their typical round and brown appearance, possess cream-colored underbellies and elongated tails, reaching sizes ranging from 5 to 8 inches in length. During colder seasons, they seek refuge indoors, nesting among cluttered storage areas or small, cave-like spaces in Slinger households. Omnivorous in nature, they feed on both plants and insects.

Triangulate Cobweb Spiders
Triangulate Cobweb Spiders are cream in color and have bulbous abdomens with distinct brown zig zags running down their backs. They can grow up to 1/4 inch in size. Triangulate Cobweb Spiders are commonly found indoors and spin their webs in dark remote corners in garages, basements, and sheds. They have a diverse diet of wasps, ticks, stink bugs, ants, cockroaches, and other small insects. Knock down webs and keep dark corners clean to discourage them from nesting.

European Hornets
In Slinger, WI, European Hornets (Vespa crabro) exhibit brown and yellow striped bodies and can reach up to 1 3/8 inches in length. They prefer to construct their nests in concealed and low traffic locations such as hollow trees, barns, and attics. European Hornets mainly feed on fruit, flies, yellow jackets, grasshoppers, and honey bees. They are generally nocturnal and prefer to capture their prey during dark hours. Though they pose minimal risk to humans and only attack when they perceive a threat, preventative measures can be taken to deter them from nesting in residential areas.

Deer Ticks
Deer Ticks are reddish-brown in color with a hard black exterior and only reach 3 millimeters in length. They are one of the most well known species of ticks since they are responsible for spreading Lyme disease. They wait in tall grass and brush filled areas until a host walks by and then will attach themselves until they are full. If you have been bitten by a deer tick, it’s important to follow instructions closely to remove them properly in order to avoid bursting their body and releasing the bacteria inside of them.

Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs in Slinger have a warm brown color and will grow no larger than 7 millimeters in length. They live solely off of blood and will live in areas in close proximity to humans and animals. They are commonly found in mattresses, bedding, and headboards where they can easily bite humans while they sleep. Vacuum frequently, don’t keep loose items under beds, and maintain clutter to eliminate creating hiding places for bed bugs.